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::::: 「AJ」system, LOGIN :::::
You can try this system by「tester Id」Id and password is below. Don't be nervious. Just ry it. You can see yor test result and preocess of this web site system. However, do not chage the password for the next person.
ID : tester
Test Id Password : tester1004!

Find password

Did you forget the password of「AJ」system? You can request a new password by answering the "Security Answer". If you answer correctly, you can receive a new password by your E-mail you registered. Click the "Find Password" link.

There is no way for administrator to know user's password and "Security Answer" for the privacy and the law.
Nevertheless if you can not remember the "Security Answer", you have to re-joint to the「AJ」system. After re-join, please mail to administrator( If you mail to us, we will update all the information from old account to a new one.

All rights reserved by "yuiyu Research(by Yu Young, Kim)" Since 1996.