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1. 「AJ」 Japanese Corpus
1.1 AJ-Aozora Corpus
"Aozora Bunko" is Japanese electronic text archives via the Internet, and it has mass and diverse electronic text by many authors. For that reason, "Aozora Bunko" is a rich repository of Japanese electronic resources.
You can search and reseach electronic text of Aozora-Buko(青空文庫) and so on in this web page, "AJ-Aozora Corpus".
1.2 AJ-Aozora Tool
The purpose of 'AJ-Aozora Tool' is to build database fo "Aozora Bunko" in order to use more widely and efficiently for the study of Japanese. The functions and features of 「AJ-Aozora Tool」is as in the following.
1) 「AJ-Aozora Tool」allows to download all the Japanese electronic text of Aozora Bunko at once, and automatically handle or change all the text you downloaded (e.g. Plain test,XHTML text).
2) You can automatically analysis morpheme of all the electronic text of Aozora Bunko as well as other electronic text.
3) Moreover it allows you to build your own database of Aozora Bunko using the electronic text you downloaded or analysis morpheme before (e.g. MS-ACCESS/MS-SQL).
*Related Papers by Yu Young, Kim
1) The construction of Aozora-library Database for Japanese language research―Development of Database construction Model using "AJ-Aozora Tool"―(2013)Yu Young, Kim, Journal of Japanese Language and Literature Vol 35, Japanese language & Literature Association of Korea, pp.35-53
2) Development of a Tool for Building Database of "Aozora Bunko", 「AJ-Aozora Tool」(2013)Yu Young, Kim, Journal of Japanese Language and Culture Vol 24, Japanese language & Culture Association of Korea, pp.131-150
2. 「AJ」テキスト可読性分析システム
AJ 텍스트 가독성 툴은 한국어와 일본어의 전자텍스트의 가독성 및 레벨을 자동으로 판별하기 위한 툴로서, 2013년도부터 개발되기 시작했습니다.
AJ 텍스트 가독성 툴은 한국어와 일본어의 공인 인증시험의 데이터베이스를 기반으로 각각의 언어의 텍스트를 한자, 어휘, 문법이라는 측면에서 분석하여, 해당 텍스트의 수준을 알 수 있게 해 줍니다.
이를 통해 교수자들은 학습자에게 적합한 텍스트를 쉽게 찾아 제공할 수 있도록 해 줄 수 있으며, 학습자는 스스로 특정 전자 텍스트가 자신의 학습에 적합한지를 판단할 수 있게 됩니다.
또한, 장차 진정한 다문화 공생 사회를 이루기 위해, 외국인 주민에게 제공할 알기 쉬운 일본어, 알기 쉬운 한국어의 기준을 세우는 데에 도움이 될 것으로 생각합니다. |
2.1 AJ-JpnRa Tool
일본어 텍스트 가독성 분석 툴 |
2.2 AJ-KorRa Tool
한국어 텍스트 가독성 분석 툴 |
3. 「AJ」Searching system for the name of Japanese-Era(regnal year)
The Japanese era calendar scheme is a common calendar scheme used in Japan, which identifies a year by the combination of the Japanese era name (年号, nengō?, lit. year name) and the year number within the era. For example, the year 2008 is Heisei 20.
As elsewhere in East Asia, the use of nengō, also known as "gengō" (元号, "gengō"?), was originally derived from Chinese Imperial practice, although the Japanese system is independent of the Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese era-naming systems. Unlike these other similar systems, Japanese era names are still in use. Government offices usually require era names and years for official papers.
Sometimes an era name is expressed with the first letter of the romanized name. For example, S55 means Shōwa 55 (i.e. 1980 A.D.). At 64 years, Shōwa is the longest era to date.
You can freely search the Japanese era with year(AD) and the name of Japanese-Era(regnal year) by this system. Try it. :)
4.「AJ」IP LookUP/WhoIs service
"「AJ」IP LookUP/WhoIs service" provides a way to determine IP information and can determine which country.
5. [AJ-DIC]- Korean Japan & Japan Korean Dictionary based on JDB(AJ Data Base)
[AJ-DIC] is electric Korean-Japanese, Japanese-Korean dictionary which is based on Japanese.or.kr word Database. Now [AJ-DIC] is not in complete status. But [AJ-DIC] is growing and changing with [AJ-JLPT] and [AJ-phonetic Test] . The algorithm of [AJ-DIC] is basically designed having an artificial intelligence. The database is changing and growing by using and being tested by various users from all other country. If you search a specific word, the point and frequency of the word you search will be reflected to all the system ([AJ-JLPT] and [AJ-phonetic Test]).