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1. What is [AJ-phonetic Test]
『Japanese phonetic Test & Practice System』[AJ-phonetic Test] is designed for researcher of Japanese phonetics and Japanese learner.

Researcher can test Japanese learner on hearing and pronunciation skills. And Japanese learners can practice and upgrade their hearing and pronunciation skills.

Anyone who want to practice Japanese hearing and pronunciation can test and practice in their own home PC by this [AJ-phonetic Test]. Moreover researcher of phonetics who wants to phonetic research and experiment can do experiment by internet very easily.

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2. Notice and News for [AJ-phonetic Test]
1) You can try this system by「tester Id」Id and password is below. Don't be nervious. Just ry it. You can see yor test result and preocess of this web site system.
However, do not chage the password for the next person.
ID : tester
Test Id Password : tester1004!
→ [AJ-phonetic Test] Participate the test. Click

2) As we mentioned at Notice(1st Jan, 2008), authority of class manager and 「Class manager Page」 were brand new.
If you want to use [AJ-phonetic Test] at university or laboratory, join and make an ID to [AJ(this web site)] and request the authority of class manager by E-mail( The form of request is below. Anyone can request and get an authority who to want.

2-1) Request from
ID : yuiyu
Class : Japanese class of California State Univ.
Class ID : csu2007
Memo : We want to use test of TTA00~TTA02.

2-2) Notice
If you request authority of class manager, [AJ] will send the manual and notice back to you.
In case you got an authority of class manager, you can see and reach the [Class manager page] and can see and manage the logs and data of login data, test date and result of the entire student you are in charge. And more if you want the entire date of the AJ phonetic test, we can provide.
Come and see.

All rights reserved by "yuiyu Research(by Yu Young, Kim)" Since 1996.